Dominaria is a world known for its legendary characters and apocalyptic stories. It has the most complex history out of any plane in Magic’s multiverse, both in and out of the game. More sets have used Dominaria as a setting than any other plane, including the iconic Legends set from 1994. As part of Magic’s 30th anniversary, Dominaria United is giving us an opportunity to crack open Legends cards once again.
Lost Legends
To celebrate Magic’s 30th anniversary, cards originally printed in Legends will be ONLY available in Dominaria United collector boosters. When I say ‘originally printed,’ I don’t just mean these cards saw their first printing in Legends. WOTC has opened numerous boxes of Legends and put those cards into Dominaria United packs!
RELATED: Dominaria United – All Available Products
These cards aren’t reprints, nor are they special promos. They came straight from Legends packs, and now you have a chance to crack them yourself.
During July’s announcement day stream, in which we saw a sneak peak at Dominaria United, WOTC also debuted a video of its employees cracking open Legends packs and explaining how ‘Lost Legends’ came to be. Apparently, WOTC found case after case of Legends stored in a warehouse, and they decided to re-rerelease these cards in collector boosters.
Of course, not every pack is going to have a card from Legends. Since these came from real booster boxes, there’s a limited number of these cards available. Only about 3% of collector boosters will have a card from Legends. They’ll replace one of the foil commons, and they’ll all be non-foil English copies.
What Legends Cards Can I Open?
Not every card from Legends will show up in collector boosters. Many of the set’s most iconic cards, such as The Tabernacle at Pendrell Veil and Moat, WILL be included, but others won’t be. Most of these cards simply weren’t opened, but a few won’t be re-released for other reasons. The full list of Legends cards can be found here, but below are the cards we think will be the most sought after.

What Cards Will NOT Be Included?
Here’s the full list of cards that WON’T appear in Dominaria United collector boosters:
- Adventurers’ Guildhouse
- Alabaster Potion
- Arboria
- Backdraft
- Barbary Apes
- Blight
- Blue Mana Battery
- Brine Hag
- Cathedral of Serra
- Caverns of Despair
- Cleanse
- Cocoon
- Craw Giant
- Darkness
- Deadfall
- Eternal Warrior
- Flash Counter
- Floral Spuzzem
- Frost Giant
- Great Defender
- Green Mana Battery
- Gwendlyn Di Corci
- Heaven’s Gate
- Hunding Gjornersen
- Imprison
- Invoke Prejudice
- Ivory Guardians
- Kry Shield
- Land Tax
- Lord Magnus
- Mana Drain
- Marhault Elsdragon
- Mountain Yeti
- Nether Void
- Pradesh Gypsies
- Presence of the Master
- Princess Lucrezia
- Puppet Master
- Pyrotechnics
- Rabid Wombat
- Radjan Spirit
- Ramirez DePietro
- Relic Barrier
- Relic Bind
- Sea Kings’ Blessing
- Seafarer’s Quay
- Seeker
- Shimian Night Stalker
- Silhouette
- Sir Shandlar of Eberyn
- Sivitri Scarzam
- Spectral Coat
- Spirit Link
- Sunastian Falconer
- Sylvan Library
- Takklemaggot
- Tor Wauki
- Undertow
- Underworld Dreams
- Unholy Citadel
- Wall of Dust
- Wall of Light
- Wall of Putrid Flesh
- Wall of Opposition
- Wall of Tombstones
- White Mana Battery
Every other card can be found inside a collector booster, so that still leaves the majority of the set waiting to be rediscovered!
End Step
‘Lost Legends’ gives both new and old Magic players a chance to open something unique and exciting. Whether you want nostalgia from when you first started playing MTG, or you want your first chance to open one of Magic’s oldest cards, Dominaria United has something special in store for you.