“Un-sets” are light-hearted, humorous MTG releases, where the game pokes fun at itself and they are a blast to play. The newest un-set, named “Unfinity” was set to be released on April 1st. However, due to covid-19, the release was postponed. Now, at long last, we have the new release date for the set. There are some changes coming with the release of the set as well. So, let’s take a look at what they are and what you can expect from the newest Un-set.
Unfinity was released on October 7, 2022. With the release, there was quite a bit of change as well. First, the set is designed to be drafted. Next, the traditional silver borders associated with the un-sets will not be present.
While those are certainly big changes, the core elements of what makes un-sets so great are still there. Including satirical cards and as always, some stellar full-art basic lands. Furthermore, Unfinity has a great storyline behind its colorful characters and insane mechanics. Let’s dive head first into everything you need to know.
Full-Art Basics And Ravnica Shock Lands
The un-sets are notorious for their stellar full-art basic lands and Unfinity did not disappoint. There are a total of 10 (two for each land type) full-art space-theme basic lands. Each one depicts an alien world or planetary body that fits the aesthetic of the land type.
Related: The Best Magic The Gathering Art
Unlike previous un-sets, Unfinity has some surprises in store for the land slot. All ten Ravnica shock lands will also be in the set and each one will be full-art as well. Like the basic lands, they feature new space-themed art that is really awesome. I imagine these will be flying off shelves for the shock lands alone.
Collector Boosters
Unlike any un-set to come before it, Unfinity will feature collector boosters. All cards within the Collector Boosters are foil. Twelve out of fifteen of the cards are traditional foil, and three are “galaxy foil”, which look like stars in space.
Related: Set Boosters vs Draft Boosters FAQ
Set Details And Changes
Unfinity features a space theme throughout its storyline, cards (including the full-art basics, dubbed “spasics”), and art. The set contains 244 regular cards 10 of which are basic lands. Additionally, there are “premium” versions of all cards within the set.
Change To Black Border
The silver border of the un-sets, according to Mark Rosewater was originally to denote “not for tournament play.” However, it was not to mean you couldn’t play them in casual formats where all players agree to their inclusion.
Considering that is exactly what the silver borders became to mean to players, Wizards is swapping them for traditional black borders. As a replacement for the silver border un-sets will now feature an acorn-shaped holo stamp. These are “acorn cards and have the same “only in casual formats where all players agree to their inclusion” meaning as the original silver border.

With that said, there are also “eternal cards.” If a card has an oval security stamp or no security stamp at lower rarities, it means it is legal in eternal formats like commander, legacy, and vintage. These are “eternal cards.”
Set Symbol

The storyline for Unfinity follows “Myra the Magnificent’s Intergalactic Astrotorium of Fun”, which is a space carnival that travels the galaxy. The whole park consists of a series of connected spaceships that fly from planet to planet. The employees for the park are of course Goblins, Elves, Vampires, and Zombies. To me, this sounds like what you’d have gotten if Robert A. Heiland had written: “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”
Promotional Cards
Players who participate in Draft Week events for Unfinity will receive a Promo Launch card. Whether there will be other promo cards as well is yet to be determined. With that said, let’s take a look at the one we have now called, Water Gun Balloon Game.

The circus-game theme here is definitely on flavor for the set.
Card Gallery
You can find the official Wizards of the Coast image gallery containing all the cards here.

End Step
If you’ve never played with an un-set I highly recommend picking this up and giving it a try. It’s all the fun of MTG with lots of jesting, joking, and all-around fun cards to play with. The new “eternal cards” adding cards to Legacy, Vintage, and Commander, coupled with the reprinting of the shock lands, has upped the bar and included something for nearly everyone within the MTG world. With that said, thanks for taking an early look at Unfinity with me.