The Best Party Board Games

Party board games are great fun. They’re an awesome way to get people interacting with each other and having a good time. They’re perfect for gamers and non-gamers alike. Even people who don’t usually like playing board games can’t help but to have fun with the right party game.

In this article, I’ll go over everything you need to know about party board games, giving my picks for the best ones on the market today!

Overall, we recommend One Night Ultimate Werewolf as the best party board game for any situation. It’s incredibly easy to learn, it’s fast, and it’s so much fun!

There are, however, a ton of other awesome games that might suit you preferences better. Read on for a detailed guide to choosing the perfect game.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is a Party Board Game?
  2. What Makes a Party Board Game Good?
  3. Best Overall
    1. Secret Hitler
    2. The Resistance: Avalon
    3. Mysterium
    4. One Night Ultimate Werewolf
  4. Best for Adults
  5. Best for Families
  6. Best for Young Children
  7. Best for Beginners
  8. Conclusion
02/18/2024 11:57 am GMT Lasso Brag

What is a Party Board Game?

A party board game is a board game specifically designed for gatherings and parties. These games are easy to learn, and don’t require too much concentration or commitment. They also usually have a focus on social interaction, often bringing about humorous and fun conversations.

What Makes a Party Board Game Good?

There are lots of factors that decide whether a game is boom or bust. In some ways party board games need to be held to a higher standard compared to regular board games. After all, not everybody taking part is going to be committed to serious gaming.

This means that negative factors that a normal game could survive, can really ruin a party board game. These are pretty common factors such as a big learning curve, a slow game-pace, long play-time, lack of interaction, etc…

In other words, a party board game needs to have few flaws.

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that make a great party game.

Fluid Gameplay

Unlike lots of conventional games, a great party game probably shouldn’t make players take turns. Instead, every player should be involved at all times.

Of course, it’s okay if there’s some sort of structure, such as rounds or turns. But if the game makes players sit and do nothing until their turn comes around, there’s going to be a lot of bored players.

Party board games should require players to think, discuss or interact at all times, not just when it’s their turn.

Easy-to-Learn Rules/Concepts

A great party game has to be relatively easy to learn. Otherwise, you’re going to spend a lot of time explaining how the game works, and not a lot of time having fun.

Explaining complex rules is hard work that often yields confusion and frustration. Nobody wants to pause the good vibes and take on the challenge of reading a rulebook.

That’s not to say that the game has to be completely simple. The best games have substance, but can be learned intuitively without too much explanation beforehand.

Strong Social Aspect

After all, the point of parties and gatherings is to have a good time hanging out with friends new and old. The best games, then, have a strong social element. Whether it be debating, deceiving, lying, or cooperating, the game should get people talking.

Welcoming Theme

The best games have themes that anybody can get into. There are lots of games that involve really specific stuff like movie or sports trivia. These games are usually a bad idea for gatherings.

Sure, if you and all of your friends happen to be into sports, or whatever it may be, then go for it. But chances are, not everybody is going to be too enthusiastic about the theme of the game if it’s too specific.

All players should be able to play and enjoy the game, regardless of how much knowledge or experience they have.

RELATED: The Best Cooperative Board Games

Best Overall

Secret Hitler Board Game

5-10 players

25 minute play time

Ages 13+

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

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02/18/2024 03:28 am GMT


Secret Hitler is a blast to play! To start out, each player is given an envelope that determines whether they’re a Fascist or a Liberal, with one player being given the role of secret Hitler. Everybody keeps their allegiance a secret.

All the players close their eyes, and then the Fascists reveal themselves to one another. The Liberals are left clueless.

After that, the game begins, and players take turns being “President”. The president gets to choose a chancellor, and the group votes whether or not to allow the president’s choice to go through. If the Fascists are able to deceive the group and get themselves voted in enough, they can sabotage the game.

The Fascists try to lie and cast suspicion on the innocent Liberals, while the Liberals work hard to figure out who their real comrades are, and who’s just a Fascist in disguise.

Overall, Secret Hitler is an amazingly fun game. The learning curve is small. Playtimes are the perfect length. And the deception and debating is intense and rewarding. My friends and I have had some truly epic games of Secret Hitler. I seriously recommend giving this game a try.

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Ultra-fun, socially-driven gameplay
Very re-playable
Perfect amount of challenge
The Resistance: Avalon Social Deduction Game

3-10 Players

30 Minutes Play Time

Ages 13+

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

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02/18/2024 03:22 am GMT


The resistance: Avalon might just be the ultimate social deduction game out there. Set in the realm of King Arthur, up to 10 players take on the role of King Arthur’s servants. Some players, however, are given the secret traitor role. These traitors are actually servants of Mordred, tasked with sabotaging the mission.

Every round, someone has to select three players who each receive a token. One side of the token represents failure, and the other side success. If just one player plays their token on the “failure” side, the mission fails. And of course, nobody gets to see who played what.

This leads to insane amounts of deception. In The Resistance: Avalon, you never know who you can trust and who’s playing you for a fool.

Additional special roles make the gameplay even less predictable. Playing The resistance: Avalon is a great experience that’s sure to bring about lots of debate, treachery, and most of all, fun!

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Top-notch social deductionCan be a bit too tense for some people
Multiple roles
Very re-playable
Mysterium Board Game (Base Game) | Ages 10 and up | 2-7 Players

2-7 Players

45 Minute Play Time

10+ Years Old

Difficulty Level: Medium

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02/18/2024 11:49 pm GMT


This quirky coop party game requires players to solve a murder mystery. The really fun part, however, is that players are helped by the murder victim! One player gets to play the role of the murder victim’s ghost and gives the other players clues to help solve the mystery of their death.

The ghost isn’t allowed to communicate openly. Instead, the ghost player gives hints via vision cards which can be pretty misleading. To make matters worse (or better, in terms of excitement), Mysterium also has a time limit. If players can’t solve the mystery soon enough, the ghost, and thus any chance of success, will fade away.

All of this makes for an intriguing and tense puzzle for players to solve together. The only gripe I have with this game, is that it’s not as much fun if you have fewer players. As such, my friends and I usually end up putting it away once a few people leave.

Overall, though, the pros of this game greatly outweighs any cons.

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Unique and interesting conceptLess fun with fewer players
Tense and exciting gameplay
One Night Ultimate Werewolf Bezier board Games Board Games

3-10 Players

Ages 8+

5-10 Minute play time

Difficulty: Easy

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02/18/2024 11:57 am GMT


One Night Ultimate Werewolf is, in our opinion, the best overall party board game on the market today. It’s one of the few board games that is perfect for any occasion. It’s incredibly easy to learn. The games are fast, often lasting 10 minutes or less. And, most importantly, it’s wildly fun and interactive.

At the start of the game, each player is given a secret role. The goal of the main group is to identify which player are werewolves. And the goal of the werewolves is to remain hidden until the time limit runs out.

Each role has a special function. The seer, for example, can see another player’s role. The Drunk, on the hand, doesn’t start assigned to a team, and is forced to figure out his allegiance as the game progresses. Deciding how to play your role, and when to reveal it to the other players makes for an amazing dynamic. And since everyone gets a meaningful role, nobody ever feels left out, not even the shiest players.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf is an awesome game that you just have to play to believe.

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Exciting gameplayLess fun with fewer players
Super interactive
Games only take 10 minutes
Easy to learn

RELATED: Best Strategy Board Games For Adults

Best for Adults

In my opinion, there’s two different ways to look at the “Adult” Party game genre. First off, you have the Cards Against Humanity style games which are often raunchy and always hilarious. If you’re looking for this type of game, I would recommend just going with the aforementioned Cards Against Humanity. It’s the funniest and most entertaining of the bunch. If you already have the game, but you’ve gone through all of the cards, I would recommend buying an expansion pack.

Cards Against Humanity

Number of Players: 3-10+

Play time: 25 minutes

Ages 17+

Difficulty: Easy

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02/18/2024 11:12 am GMT

If you’re looking for an adult party board game with a little more substance than that, however, I would recommend giving Wavelength a try.


Number of Players: 2-12

Play Time: 10 Minutes

Ages 14+

Difficulty: Medium

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02/18/2024 09:02 am GMT

In Wavelength, players give clues to other players to help them place a dial as closely to a predetermined spot on a meter as possible. As the name suggests, players have to really get on the same wavelength to master this challenge.

You would be surprised how much this board games gets people talking and debating!

Best for Families

The Mind - Family-Friendly Board Games

2-4 Players

Ages 8+

20 Minutes Play Time

Difficulty: Easy

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02/18/2024 11:31 pm GMT


The Mind is a simple, yet intriguing coop game where players aren’t allowed to talk to each other. So how can it be a party game if you’re not allowed to speak, you ask? Well, players are tasked with devising some unspoken form of communication and hoping that everybody is able to pick up what they’re putting down. The result is often hilarious.

Players are given a number of cards each round. Each player gets one card on level one, two cards on level two, and so on and so forth up until level 12. Then players attempt to lay down their cards in the correct order without speaking to one another.

The Mind is a unique and immensely fun game that is perfect for families.

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Exciting and easy to learnStrategy isn’t as varied as other games
Unique and interactive gameplay

Best for Young Children

Sushi Go Party! - The Deluxe Pick & Pass Card Game by Gamewright, Multicolored

2-8 Players

20 Minute Play Time

Ages 8+

Difficulty: Very Easy

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02/18/2024 10:37 am GMT


Sushi Go Party! is way more fun that it should be. At first glance, it seems like a simple, mindless party game akin to “Uno”. While it’s simple, it’s definitely not mindless, and it’s more fun than boring old “Uno” could ever be.

Players draw hands of cards all illustrated with a different sushi, or other sushi-related item. They choose one card to keep and then pass their hand to the player to their left. Players earn points by picking winning sushi-combos.

Sushi Go Party! is an awesome game that children are sure to come back to again and again.

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Very easy to learnNot as fun for adults
Simple yet strategic gameplay

Best for Beginners

One Night Ultimate Werewolf Bezier board Games Board Games

3-10 Players

Ages 8+

5-10 Minute play time

Difficulty: Easy

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02/18/2024 11:57 am GMT


One Night Ultimate Werewolf is the perfect game for beginners. It’s easy to learn. It’s fast-paced. And it’s sure to get you and your friends addicted to board games.

At the start of the game, players are given roles. Essentially, it’s the werewolves versus everybody else. Figuring out which players are werewolves, however, is a lot easier said than done.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf is social deduction at its finest. Beginners are sure to have a blast with this game every time they sit down to play. I really can’t recommend it enough.

What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like
Exciting gameplayLess fun with fewer players
Super interactive
Games only take 10 minutes
Easy to learn


Overall, One Night Ultimate Werewolf is our pick for the best party board game on the market today.

Whether you’re brand new to board games, or looking for a fresh new game to add to your collection, there’s something out there for everybody. I hope you’ll give one of the games on this list a chance. You won’t be disappointed.

Until next time, I wish you and your friends and family the best of luck with all of your gaming adventures!

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Joe Doak

I started playing Magic in 2015 after impulsively buying a fat-pack of Khans of Tarkir. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with the game, and it's been a big part of my life ever since. Nowadays, I play moslty Modern, Commander, and Limited, but also enjoy keeping up with Standard. Whatever the format, I always find a way to brew up janky decks, convince myself they're great, get proven wrong, and love every second of it.