The commander precons are meant to be easy on-ramps to the Commander format and they release along with each new set. The return to Magic: The Gathering’s very first set brought with it some powerful preconstructed decks. So, today we’ll break down everything you need to know on the topic
Dominaria United will feature two brand new 100-card, ready-to-play commander decks. The first is named “Painbow” and the second is “Legends’ Legacy.”
Even without the decklists, there is still important information to break down. So, let’s look at what each one contains, and answer a few frequently asked questions.
Release Date And Set Symbol
Release Date – September 9, 2022
Set Symbol:

Each deck contains the following:
- 1 Display Commander card
- 1 foil Commander
- 2 additional foil Legendary cards
- 97 regular cards
- 10 double-sided tokens
- 1 deck box
- 1 life wheel
- 1 Collector Booster Sample Pack (2 cards)
Legends’ Legacy
Black, White, Red
Primary Commander
Full Decklist
Legends' Legacy
New Cards

White, Blue, Black, Red, Green
Primary Commander
Full Decklist
New Cards

Related: All MTG Commander Precons – The Complete Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Sample Collector Booster Packs?
Many players may not be familiar with the concept of sample collector packs coming in precons, as they are quite new. So, what are they and what might they contain?
As the name implies, these are small sample versions of regular collector booster packs. It’s a “sample” because you only get two cards in it.
Related: Set Boosters vs Draft Boosters FAQ
However, if you’re at all familiar with collector boosters, you know that they contain all the rarest, most collectible versions of cards from a given set. So, even with only two cards, you stand to get some awesome pulls.
Each sample booster contains the following:
- 1 rare or mythic with special treatment (foil or non-foil)
- 1 common or uncommon (foil)
What Are Display Commanders?
In addition to the regular foil version of your primary commander you also get a foil-etched “display version”. These display versions are slightly thicker than a regular card and are to use in your command zone. What’s cool about the difference in thickness is that it means your commander won’t get shuffled away into your deck.
You’d have to play the regular version of the card if you wanted to put it in the 99 and use a secondary commander. Also, be sure not to play both versions of the card at the same time.
How Many New Cards Are Printed In Each Deck??
Each deck will contain 10 brand new cards, exclusive to that precon. This gives us a grand total of 20 new commander cards between the two decks.
End Step
The plane of Dominaria is one of infamy. It’s also a plane that historically produces very power cards, legendary spells, ad lots of historic spell support. All of which is very good news for commander players. Thanks for stopping by for a look at the Precons for Dominaria United with me. Now get out there and play some MTG.